
When will all this have been, just play?

One of our more ambitious members used "learning Audacity" as an excuse to avoid doing actual work and produced this…

Blade Runner 2049

You should see this on the big screen. We will publish our review after it leaves theaters with the hope…


Some Spoilers Below At just under ten years old, it is safe to say that Moon is a modern classic.  One DMS member…


After lying in furtive restlessness for hours the other night, this DMS member slid from underneath the covers, shuffled to…

Stranger Things

While there must be close to 1,000 micrograms of nostalgia in each episode of Stranger Things, do not watch it…


Watching a herd of people on my roof watch fireworks through their cell phones immediately reminded me of this scene in…

Ghost in the Shell

With the upcoming live action Ghost in the Shell three dimensional experience approaching, it feels like a good time to…

V for Vendetta

The first issues of the comic, V for Vendetta, penned by Alan Moore were published the same year I was…

Planet of the Apes

April 21, 2016 Released the same year Stanislaw Lem published His Master's Voice, Planet of the Apes is a classic.…

The Congress

This film is worth a watch even if you haven't read Lem's classic, The Futurological Congress.  Robin Wright plays herself, and…