“This is a world getting progressively worse. Can we not agree on that?”
It has been more than a decade since this adaptation of PKD’s novel hit screens in the United States. If you are forgetting, refresh your memory with a viewing.
You'll be given the works until you confess.
“This is a world getting progressively worse. Can we not agree on that?”
It has been more than a decade since this adaptation of PKD’s novel hit screens in the United States. If you are forgetting, refresh your memory with a viewing.
Recently re-watched this gem. It is still as charming as we remembered it.
Those pants though! Sean Connery!
Don’t worry. Zed’s dead.
Speaking of Battle Royale:
For some people, seeing isn’t believing. Originally aired by NPR in the winter of ’81 – ’82, this 15-part radio drama adaptation of the classic novel is now available on demand all over the internet.
While undeniably a classic, Charlton Heston sweats more in Soylent Green.
This classic film is partly responsible for breaking one of our founding member’s hips.
Already a classic. This film is more relevant than ever. Required viewing.
The books are great. The final book, Death’s End, is currently being translated into English. High hopes for the film.