Our Private Dystopia

All Our Wrong Todays

One of the benefits of being kind to librarians is the occasional advanced proof of a book that feels written…

The Girl With All the Gifts

It is a fair bet that any film described by critic Jay Weissberg as "[a] tired attempt to board the zombie…

Stranger Things

While there must be close to 1,000 micrograms of nostalgia in each episode of Stranger Things, do not watch it…

Zero Days

In case you did not know, everything you have stored digitally is public.  While this has probably been true for…


Watching a herd of people on my roof watch fireworks through their cell phones immediately reminded me of this scene in…

It’s Hard to be Good

  Jared from "Silicon Valley" is a pretty nice guy. He is the most compassionate voice on the show. Sometimes…

V for Vendetta

The first issues of the comic, V for Vendetta, penned by Alan Moore were published the same year I was…

Children of Men

Already a classic.  This film is more relevant than ever.  Required viewing.