
Saffron Van Bean

We forgot to pass this one along. Enjoy!

Altered Carbon

After enjoying the first seven episodes of Happy!, which is impossibly good, we were elated to see that Netflix is releasing…

Saffron Van Bean at it Again

Stranger Things

While there must be close to 1,000 micrograms of nostalgia in each episode of Stranger Things, do not watch it…

It’s Hard to be Good

  Jared from "Silicon Valley" is a pretty nice guy. He is the most compassionate voice on the show. Sometimes…

For the Literate

Margaret Atwood! Oryx and Crake remains one of my favorite works of s.f.  Artfully crafted and intricately layered, Atwood's work…

The Expanse

The production quality of some scenes was two steps above the BBC's Narnia serial (remember when things took a nosedive…


Sadly un-watchable.

The Man in the High Castle

For the literate: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/la-et-st-review-amazon-pilots-20150115-column.html

Black Mirror

Must see.