This classic film is partly responsible for breaking one of our founding member’s hips.
Children of Men
Already a classic. This film is more relevant than ever. Required viewing.
Creative Control
Set five minutes in the future and available here.
The Three Body Problem
The books are great. The final book, Death’s End, is currently being translated into English. High hopes for the film.
The Lobster
This is the first time I have not hated Colin Farrell in a film. It’s great. Can’t say much, but at one point a character explains that they are only allowed to dance alone so they only listen to electronic music. Recommended! Available here.
For the Literate
Please excuse the non-dystopian selections.
The Expanse
The production quality of some scenes was two steps above the BBC’s Narnia serial (remember when things took a nosedive in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader?), but it never took me out of the narrative. The only thing that almost did was homeboy’s hat. SPOILER: He loses it toward the end. I think this and Outer Space on Yahoo! were two of my favorite surprises from 2015. Watch the first season here.
Cranium Intel
Always knew there was something weird about St. Louis.
9 out of 10 on the Realness scale. Watch the film here.
For the Literate
Blade Runner sequel news.
Ryan Gosling to Star in ‘Blade Runner’ Sequel
It’s too bad Gosling won’t live. But then again, who does?